Source code for NaxToPy.Modules.N2PtoEXE.N2PtoEXE

import subprocess
import pkgutil
import os
from pkg_resources import resource_filename
from typing import Literal

import NaxToPy.Core.Reference_Finder.__Reference_Finder as RF
from NaxToPy.Core.Errors.N2PLog import N2PLog
from NaxToPy.Core.Constants.Constants import VIZZER_CLASSES_DLL

# Funcion que busca el path del icono de NaxToPy -----------------------------------------------------------------------
def __ico_path() -> str:
    """ Funcion oculta que busca el icono de NaxToPy

            icon_path: str
        ico_path = resource_filename('NaxToPy', 'NaxToPy.ico')
        return ico_path

        search_path = r"C:\GIT_REPOSITORIES\NAXTO\NaxToPy\v.1.0\NaxToPy"
        filename = "NaxToPy.ico"
        for root, directory, files in os.walk(search_path):
            if filename in files:
                return str(os.path.join(search_path, filename))

    return -1
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Funcion que busca si se usa el paquete NaxToPy -----------------------------------------------------------------------
def __busca_n2p(path) -> bool:
    """ Funcion oculta que busca si se usa el modulo NaxToPy en los archivos que se quieren convertir en ejecutables
    with open(path) as f:
        if 'import NaxToPy' in
            return True
            return False
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Funcion oculta que devuelve la lista de las bibliotecas de las que hace uso NaxToPy ----------------------------------
def __list_ext_libs(libs_path, solver, abq_ver) -> list[str]:
    """ Funcion oculta que devuelve la lista de las bibliotecas de las que hace uso NaxToPy.

        Estan donde NaxToView está instalado. Las devulve con el formato listo para añadirse a la llamada de PyInstaller

            libs_path: str

            dll_list: list
    import NaxToPy.Core.Constants.librerias as lb

    if isinstance(abq_ver, str):
        abq_ver = [abq_ver]

    i = -1
    libs = list()
    directions = list()
    # Bucle que busca todas las versiones de abaqus que hay disponibles para NaxTo y las guarda en directions.
    # También guarda en libs todas las dll de NaxTo para que se guarden en el .exe
    for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(libs_path):
        i += 1
        libs += filenames

        if i == 1:
            directions += dirnames

    if abq_ver is None or all(items in directions for items in abq_ver):

    #abq_ver = abq_ver.split(" ")
    abq_libs = list()

    dll_list = list()
    for dll in libs:
        dll_list.append(libs_path + "\\" + dll + r";./bin")

    if abq_ver == "" or abq_ver is None or abq_ver == [""] or abq_ver == []:
        abq_ver = []

    elif abq_ver == ["ALL"] or abq_ver == ["all"]:
        for dirs in directions:
            abq_libs.append("ABQS\\" + dirs)

        for abq in abq_ver:
            abq_libs.append("ABQS\\" + abq)

    dll_abq_list = list()
    for dll in abq_libs:
        dll_abq_list.append(libs_path + "\\" + dll + r";./bin" + f"\\{dll}")

    dll_list += dll_abq_list

    return dll_list
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

_solver_type = Literal["ALL", "NASTRAN", "ABAQUS", "ANSYS", "OPTISTRUCT"]
_abqver_type = list[Literal["2016", "2017", "2018", "2019", "2020", "2021", "2022", "2023", "2024", "6.11", "6.12", "6.13", "6.14"]]

# Funcion principal que usa PyInstaller para generar el .exe -----------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def n2ptoexe(path: str, console: bool = True, solver: _solver_type = "ALL", abaqusversion: _abqver_type = None, splash: str = "", extra_packages: list[str] = None, extra_files: list[str] = None, hidden_imports: list[str] = None) -> None: """Function that creates .exe files of programs that use NaxToPy Args: path: str -> path of the module that will be used to create the .exe file console: bool -> If True (Default), the .exe will opne a console of python. If False, the .exe will not open any python console. solver: srt | list[str] -> Default="ALL" Solver or list of solvers that the module will work with. Posible solvers are: "NASTRAN", "ABAQUS", "ANSYS", "OPTISTRUCT" abaqusversion: str | list[srt] -> Default='2022'. Only when "ABAQUS" is selected a str or a list of ABAQUS version are aviable. Posible abaqus versions: ['2016', '2017', '2018', '2019', '2020', '2021', '2022', '6.11', '6.12', '6.13', '6.14'] splash: str -> Optional. Path to the splash image. If used, the user must introduce pyi_splash.close() at the beginning of the execution of the module. Import pyi_splash first. The splash image will appear during the .exe unpacking. Image should be png and smaller than 500x500 pixels. extra_packages: list[str] -> If some packages are not imported correctly by the function, they can be added manually. An example of a package that usually fails is 'sv_ttk'. extra_files: list[str] -> Lis of path of extra dll, images or other files the user want to add the exe. The files will be saved in the ./bin directory inside the exe. To acces to the files use: path_file = os.path.join(sys._MEIPASS, r"bin\mylib.dll") Examples: >>> n2ptoexe(r"C:\Scripts\") >>> n2ptoexe(r"C:\Scripts\", console=False, solver="NASTRAN") >>> n2ptoexe(r"C:\Scripts\", console=True, solver="OPTISTRUCT", splash=r"C:\Scripts\mysplash.jpg") >>> n2ptoexe(r"C:\Scripts\", extra_packages=["sv_ttk"], extra_files=[r"C:\Scripts\icon.png"]) >>> n2ptoexe(r"C:\Scripts\", hidden_imports=[""]) """ # 0 ) Genera el archivo .log y añade los logs de la importación ------------------------------------------------ # Configura el logger para que escriba automaticamente los logs ------------------------------------------------ N2PLog._N2PLog__fh.write_buffered_records() N2PLog._N2PLog__fh.immediate_logging() # Paso todoo a mayusculas para que no haya errores solver.upper() icon = __ico_path() try: if pkgutil.find_loader("PyInstaller") is None:['pip', 'install', "PyInstaller"]) import PyInstaller.__main__ as PyIns except RuntimeError: msg = N2PLog.Critical.C106() raise RuntimeError(msg) # Si queremos que el ejecutable saque una consola de python. Si se piden cosas mediante la funcion input(), o # queremos sacar cosas por consola con un print() habrá que marcar console. Si funciona todo por interfaz grafica, # usando por ejemplo tkinter o no es necesario interactuar en absoluto es mejor marcar windowed (sin consola). if console == True: consl = "-c" elif console == False: consl = "-w" else: msg = N2PLog.Critical.C104() raise Exception(msg) if __busca_n2p(path): # We want something like 'C:\\Program Files\\IDAERO\\NaxTo\\NaxTo_202XRY\\NAXTOVIEW\\bin' libs_path = os.path.dirname(RF._search_naxtomodel()) dll_list = __list_ext_libs(libs_path, solver, abaqusversion) # Aqui se cargan las propiedades de la llamada a PyInstaler pyinstaller_cmd = [path] + [consl] pyinstaller_cmd += dll_list if icon == -1: pyinstaller_cmd += ["--onefile", "--collect-all", "NaxToPy"] # pyinstaller_cmd += ["--collect-all", "NaxToPy"] # "--onefile", N2PLog.Warning.W200() else: pyinstaller_cmd += ["--onefile", "--collect-all", "NaxToPy", '--icon', icon] if splash: pyinstaller_cmd += ['--splash', splash] if extra_files: for file in extra_files: if os.path.isfile(file): pass else: msg = N2PLog.Error.E113(file) raise Exception(msg) pyinstaller_cmd += ["--add-data", f"{file};./bin"] if extra_packages: for package in extra_packages: pyinstaller_cmd += ["--collect-data", package] if hidden_imports: for h_import in hidden_imports: pyinstaller_cmd += ["--hidden-import", h_import] N2PLog.Info.I201(os.getcwd()) else: msg = N2PLog.Error.E110(path) raise Exception(msg)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------