NaxToPy.Modules.Fasteners package#


NaxToPy.Modules.Fasteners.N2PFastenerAnalysis module#

class NaxToPy.Modules.Fasteners.N2PFastenerAnalysis.N2PFastenerAnalysis(model: N2PModelContent)#

Bases: object

This class provides information about fasteners in a model and provides methods to calculate the corresponding forces in the fasteners themselves and bypass forces in the plates they are connected to. The only input in order to be able to construct the class is a model defined as a N2PModelContent object.


Model: N2PModelContent (Compulsory Input) ListBolts: list ListAttachments: list Bolt_Ids_List: list Element1D_Ids_List: list CornerData: bool (Default = False) Must eb defined True by the user if wanted. LC_Ids_List: list __BypassParameters: list (Default = [[2.5], [4.0, 4.5], [1e-3]] which is [area factor, material factor, box tolerance]) __Results: dict

All the procedure that can be carried out in two different ways are described below:

Example 1: calling the methods separately.

>>> import NaxToPy as n2p
>>> model1 = n2p.load_model(route_fem)  # Reading of the model.
>>> fast1 = N2PFastenerAnalysis(model1) # Creation of the N2PFastenerAnalysis object.
>>> fast1.get_results_fasteners() # Obtaining the results from the model.
>>> fast1.get_model_fasteners(diameter = 4.8) # Obtaining the fasteners from the model.
>>> fast1.get_analysis_fasteners(analysis_name="TEST", export_location = path) # Analysing the fasteners.
>>> fast1.get_attachments_fasteners() # Obtaining the attachments from the model.

Example 2: Using the method “calculate()”.

>>> import NaxToPy as n2p
>>> model1 = n2p.load_model(route_fem)  # Reading of the model.
>>> fast2 = N2PFastenerAnalysis(model1) # Creation of the N2PFastenerAnalysis object.
>>> fast2.calculate(analysis_name = 'Test', export_location = path, diameter = 4.8) # Call to the method "calculate()".


There are some other methods in the classes ARBolt and ARAttachment that are not used in this class. In a similar way, there are other functions that can be used in order to facilitate the use of this class and its methods.

The most important ones are:

Serialize and deserialize. Function “serialize()” serializes a list of “ARBolt” or “ARAttachment” and dumps the data into a file. This file will be a .pkl with all the stored data. It is important to recognize that serialize must only be used at the end of the script. Objects in memory may change when serialize is called, even if they are not directly passed to the function. Thus, when using this function, only the most important data of each of the objects is stored, and leaving everything as a function of the elements, properties and materials IDs. When it is wanted to continue the analysis with a serialized file of bolts, it is important to deserialize at first.


>>> serial_location = r"C:\EXPORTS\serialized.pkl" # Path to the .pkl file
>>> serialize(self.ListBolts, serial_location) # Serializing the list of bolts
>>> self.ListBolts = deserialize(serial_location) # Deserializing the list of bolts

Getting derived load cases. Function “get_derived_loadcases()” stores in a list the resultant derived loadcases IDs. The user must define the load cases that are set to be combined with the rest of the loadcases of the model. If this input list of IDs is empty: either the function will either not have an output or it will calculate the proportional cases to the ones in the model. Useful to use when wanting only to analyse the derived load cases. Can be used to fill the attribute “LC_Ids_List”.


>>> derived_loadcases_ids = get_derived_loadcases(model = model1, loadcases_names= ["LC1", "LC2"],
>>>                                               derived_type = "Derived" , derived_factors = [1.5, 1.0])
>>> self.LC_Ids_List = derived_loadcases_ids
calculate(analysis_name: str, export_location=0, diameter=-1)#

Method of N2PFastenerAnalysis class which carries out the analysis.


analysis_name: str export_location: int (Default value is 0) diameter: int (Default value is -1)

Calling example:

fastener.calculate(analysis_name = ‘Test’, export_location = path, diameter = 4.8)

The steps are the following:

  1. Get the results. Done using function “get_results_fasteners()”.

  2. Get the fasteners. Done using function “get_model_fasteners()”.

  3. Analyze the fasteners. Done using function “get_analysis_fasteners()”.

  4. Get the attachments. Done using function “get_attachments_fasteners()”.


The export location is not compulsory. If it is not provided, no file will be exported. The diameter is not compulsory as well. It should be known by the user if the model needs to be completed with the fasteners diameter or if everything has been done before. Thus, the input value of the diameter is only used if the fastener has not a defined diameter. Moreover, the fasteners without a diameter will be ignored.

When ysing this method, as the bolts and their IDs are created inside the method itself, it is recommended to use the N2PFastenerAnalysis attribute called “Element1D_Ids_List” to obtain the IDs of the elements 1d that are wanted to be analyzed. It is important to remember that the attribute “Bolt_Ids_List” should be empty then.

get_analysis_fasteners(analysis_name: str, export_location=0)#

Method of N2PFastenerAnalysis class which obtains the analysis of the fasteners in the model.


export_location: str analysis_name: str


csv file with the results

Calling example:

fastener.get_analysis_fasteners(export_location, analysis_name)

The steps are the following:

1. Get the distance to the edges of each fastener. Done using function “get_distance_to_edges()”. This function has as input the model (defined as an attribute of the N2PFastenerAnalysis class)

2. Get the forces of each fastener. Done using function “get_forces()”. This function has as input the results dictionary (defined as a hidden attribute of the N2PFastenerAnalysis class)

3. Get the bypass loads. Done using function “get_bypass_loads()”. This function has as input the model, the results dictionary and the corner data (defined as attributes of the N2PFastenerAnalysis class).

4. Export the results to a csv file. Done using function “export_forces_csv_fastpph()”. This function has as input the export location and the analysis name (obtained as an argument of this method).


Worthwhile to remind that results when using Corner Data = True will be slightly different and more precise than the ones obtained when Corner Data = False. However, the running time will be higher.

The csv export will have the same format as the one Altair gives when running the analysis (with some small modifications).

The “get_bypass_loads()” function has some other input parameters that can be modified. These parameters are saved as a hidden attribute of the N2PFastenerAnalysis class in the form: BypassParameters: [[2.5], [4.0, 4.5], [1e-3]]. Where each of them represent: [area factor, material factor, box tolerance]. However, it is highly recommended not to change these values. If they are wanted to be changed, the function “get_analysis_fasteners()” should be modified accordingly.

There is a default value for the export location = 0. This is done in order to have the possibility not to export any file when using this function. If the user does not specify an export location, no file will be exported.


Method of N2PFastenerAnalysis class which obtains the attachments of the fasteners in the model. An attachement is understood as the set of bolts that join the exact same plates.

Calling example:


The steps are the following:

1. Get the attachments. Done using function “get_attachments()”. This function has as input the model (defined as an attribute of the N2PFastenerAnalysis class) and the bolt list to analyse.

2. Get the pitch of the attachments. Done using function “get_pitch()”. This function is actually a method of the class ARAttachment. Obtains the minimum pitch.


It is important to know that when obtaining the attachments, the list of bolts over the ones the analysis is carried out is not compulsory. If it is not provided, the function will use the function “get_bolts()” in order to obtain it. However, the default procedure is getting it from the N2PFastenerAnalysis attribute “ListBolts”.

All the results will be stored in the object used. The only export which is not an attribute of either of the classes is the csv file showing the forces results.

get_model_fasteners(diameter: float = -1) list[ARBolt]#

Method of N2PFastenerAnalysis class which takes the model and obtains all the bolt elements in it.


diameter: float (Default value is -1)

Calling example:

fastener.get_model_fasteners(diameter = 1)

The steps are the following:

1. Function “get_bolts(model)” which obtains all the bolt elements in the model. The model is defined as a N2oFastenerAnalysis attribute and it is a N2PModelContent object.

  1. Filter and maintain only the bolts that are in the list of IDs.

  2. Sort the bolts, function “sort()”.

4. Check if there are any CBUSH or CBAR fasteners with no diameter and show a warning if it is the case as it is needed for later calculations.


The list of IDs is defined as an attribute of the N2PFastenerAnalysis class. If this list is not defined, all the bolts will be analysed. There are several possible ways of doing the analysis:

1. Using the attribute “Bolt_Ids_List”: if the list of bolt IDs is provided, the analysis will be carried out only for the bolt with IDs in the list. It does not matter if the attribute “Element1D_Ids_List” is filled or not, as only the list of bolt IDs will be taken into consideration.

2. Using the attribute “Element1D_Ids_List”: if the list of element 1D IDs is provided, the analysis will be carried out only for the element 1D with IDs in the list. This list will only be taken into consideration if the attribute “Bolt_Ids_List” is not filled.

  1. Not filling either the attribute ‘Bolt_Ids_List’ or ‘Element1D_Ids_List’ will result in all bolts being analyzed.

The diameter is not compulsory. It should be known by the user if the model needs to be completed with the fasteners diameter or if everything has been done before. Thus, the input value of the diameter is only used if the fastener has not a defined diameter via the property card. Moreover, the fasteners without a diameter will be ignored.


Method of N2PFastenerAnalysis which obtains the results from the model. This is done only once per model in order to save time.

The steps are the following:

1. The list of loadcases in the model is obtained. The list of loadcases is defined as an attribute of the N2PFastenerAnalysis class. If this list is not defined, all the loadcases will be analysed.

2. Function “get_results(model, loadcase, corner_data)” which obtains the results from the model. The model is defined as a N2PFastenerAnalysis attribute and it is a N2PModelContent object. The loadcase is defined as a list of loadcases to be analysed and as a N2PFastenerAnalysis attribute. The corner data is defined as an attribute of the N2PFastenerAnalysis class.

Calling example:



Important to know that the load cases are directly obtained from the N2PModelContent object. Therefore, if some study of derived load cases is wanted, these load cases must be obtained before calling this function.

The fact of having corner data as True, makes the results to be more precise; nonetheless, the running time will be higher as well.

When a great amount of result files has been loaded (a folder full of op2 files), the result retrieving may take some time. Therefore, it is recommended to get the results once and serialize the obtained dictionary when the same model will be used for different analysis.

  • In order to serialize the dictionary into a file, package pickle can be used, using the following code lines. Where “serialized_file_location” is the path where the file will be saved (must be a pkl file as: “C:results.pkl”) and “self.__Results” is the results dictionary obtained.

    with open(serialized_file_location, ‘wb’) as f):

    pickle.dump(self.__Results, f)

  • In order to deserialize the file once it was created in a previous analysis, a similar procedure is followed. Now, in a new study, there will not be a reason for using the function “get_results_fasteners”, as it is possible to directly obtain the same dictionary from the .pkl file using the following code lines. As previously mentioned, “serialized_file_location” will be the path where the dictionary was serialized before (a .pkl file), and “self.__Results” is the dictionary that will be used in the following functions.

    with open(serialized_file_location, ‘rb’) as f:

    self.__Results = pickle.load(f)

  • This is just an example using this method; however, this same procedure can be done using some other packages, like JSON.

NaxToPy.Modules.Fasteners.N2PUpdateFastener module#

class NaxToPy.Modules.Fasteners.N2PUpdateFastener.N2PUpdateFastener(model: N2PModelContent, information: dict | list, id_list: list = None, stiffness_method: str = 'HUTH')#

Bases: object

This class stores information about fasteners and provides methods to update their stiffness and generate a new FEM Input File (.bdf, .fem, .dat, etc.) file with the updated data.

Fastener information can be input either as a dictionary (for a single type of fastener) or as a list of dictionaries (for multiple types). Each dictionary must include at least the keys for diameter [“D”] and elastic modulus [“E”]. Optional keys include head height [“h_head”], nut height [“h_nut”], Poisson ratio [“nu”], shear modulus [“G”], connection type (“bolt” or “rivet”) [“connection_type”], shear type (“simple” or “double”) [“shear_type”], and the beta value for Nelson method [“beta”].

IDs of fasteners to be updated can be provided as either a single list (for a single type of fastener) or as a list of lists (for multiple types). If no list of IDs is provided, all fasteners in the model will be updated.

When multiple types of fasteners are used, the order of the list of dictionaries must match the order of the list of ID lists to ensure proper mapping of variables.

Supported methods for stiffness calculation include HUTH, TATE_ROSENFELD, SWIFT, BOEING, GRUMMAN, and NELSON.


Example 1:

>>> import NaxToPy as n2p
>>> model = n2p.load_model("model.dat")
>>> info1 = {"D": 4.8,
...         "E": 110000}
>>> info2 = {"D": 7.2,
...         "E": 70000,
...         "connection_type": "rivet",
...         "shear_type": "double"}
>>> ele1 = [1000, 1001, 1002]
>>> ele2 = [2000, 2001, 2002]
>>> update1 = N2PUpdateFastener(model, [info1, info2], [ele1, ele2], "BOEING")
>>> update1.calculate() # This will update the model in memory with the information of the object.
>>> model.ModelInputData.rebuild_file() # With the model updated, the model is rewritten

Example 2:

>>> model = n2p.load_model("model.dat")
>>> update2 = N2PUpdateFastener(model, {}) # Create the object without information
>>> update2.IDList = [3000, 3001, 3002] # Add the information using it properties
>>> update2.StiffnessMethod = "GRUMMAN"
>>> update2.FastenerInformation = {3000: {"D": 4.8, "E": 70000, "connection_type": "rivet"},
...                                3001: {"D": 6.8, "E": 70000, "connection_type": "bolt"},
...                                3002: {"D": 7.2, "E": 70000, "shear_type": "double"}}
>>> update2.calculate() # This will update the model in memory with the information of the object.
>>> model.ModelInputData.rebuild_file() # With the model updated, the model is rewritten
property FastenerInformation: dict#

Returns the dictionary mapping each fastener with its properties

property IDList: list | list[list]#

Returns the list of fasteners to be updated

property InfoDicts: dict | list[dict]#

Returns the list of dictionaries containing the fastener information

property StiffnessMethod: str#

Returns the name of the method used to calculate the fastener stiffness

calculate() None#

Update properties of fasteners in a model.

Reads a model from a BDF file and updates the properties of PFAST and PBUSH elements. If a list of fastener IDs is provided, it updates the properties of those elements.





write_bdf(out_folder: str)#

Module contents#