NaxToPy.Modules.Fasteners package


NaxToPy.Modules.Fasteners package#


NaxToPy.Modules.Fasteners.N2PGetFasteners module#

class NaxToPy.Modules.Fasteners.N2PGetFasteners.N2PGetFasteners[source]#

Bases: object

Class used to obtain all necessary geometrical information of a model’s N2PJoints, N2PBolts and N2PPlates.

The instance of this class must be prepared using its properties before calling it method calculate.

property GetAttachmentsBool: bool#

Sets if the get_attachments() method will be used inside method calculate().

property GlobalIDList: list[int]#

List of the internal/global IDs of the 1D elements that make up the bolts to be loaded.

property ListAttachments: list[N2PAttachment]#

List of all N2PAttachments.

property ListBolts: list[N2PBolt]#

Property that returns the list of N2PBolts.

property ListJoints: list[N2PJoint]#

List of all N2PJoints.

property ListPlates: list[N2PPlate]#

Property that returns the list of N2PPlates.

property Model: N2PModelContent#

Model to be analyzed. It is a compulsory input and an error will occur if it is not present.

property PartID: str#

Part ID of the 1D elements to be loaded. If this is present, solver_id_list must also be present.

property SolverIDList: list[int]#

List of the Solver IDs of the 1D elements that make up the bolts to be loaded. If this is present, part_id must also be present.

property SolverIDsAndParts: str#

Solver ID1, SolverID2, …” of the part ID and solver IDs of the 1D elements that make up the bolts to be loaded. Note that the part ID number is an integer, not a string.


String in the form “Part ID number

property Thresh: float#

Tolerance used in the obtention of the N2Joints in C#. 2.0 by default.


The constructor creates an empty N2PGetFasteners instance. Its attributes must be added as properties.

Calling example:
>>> import NaxToPy as n2p
>>> from NaxToPy.Modules.Fasteners.N2PGetFasteners import N2PGetFasteners
>>> model1 = n2p.load_model("route.fem") # model loaded from N2PModelContent
>>> fasteners = N2PGetFasteners()
>>> # Compulsory input
>>> fasteners.Model = model1
>>> # Custom threshold is selected (optional)
>>> fasteners.Thresh = 1.5
>>> # Only some joints are to be analyzed (optional)
>>> fasteners.GlobalIDList = [10, 11, 12, 13, 14]
>>> # attachments will not be obtained
>>> fasteners.GetAttachmentsBool = False  # True by default
>>> # fasteners are obtained
>>> fasteners.calculate()
calculate() None[source]#

Method used to do all the previous calculations.

Calling example:
>>> fasteners.calculate()
get_attachments() None[source]#

Method used to obtain the list of N2PAttachments and calculate their pitch. The get_joints() method must be used before this one. Otherwise, an error will occur.

Calling example:
>>> fasteners.get_attachments()
get_distance() None[source]#

Method used to obtain the distance from every N2PPlate’s edge to its N2PJoint, the intersection between an N2PPlate and its N2PJoint and the perpendicular direction to the N2PPlates. The get_joints() method must be used before this one. Otherwise, an error will occur.

Calling example:
>>> fasteners.get_distance()
get_joints() None[source]#

This method is used to create all N2PJoints, N2PPlates and N2PBolts and assign them certain useful attributes. In order to work, the n2joints and model attributes must have been previously filled. If they have not, an error will occur.

The following steps are followed:

1. All N2Joints are created differently depending on the user’s inputs. 1. All N2PJoints are created. Inside this, all N2PBolts and N2PPlates associated to each N2PJoint are also created. 2. All N2PBolts, N2PPlates are assigned its corresponding N2PElements and N2PNodes. Also, N2PJoints are assigned its bolt’s N2PElements and N2PNodes, as well as its plates’ N2PElements and N2PNodes.

Calling example:
>>> fasteners.get_joints()

NaxToPy.Modules.Fasteners.N2PGetLoadFasteners module#

class NaxToPy.Modules.Fasteners.N2PGetLoadFasteners.N2PGetLoadFasteners[source]#

Bases: object

Class used to calculate joints’ forces and bypass loads.

The instance of this class must be prepared using its properties before calling it method calculate.

property AdjacencyLevel: int#

Number of adjacent elements that are loaded into the model. 4 by default.

property AnalysisName: Literal['NAXTOPY', 'ALTAIR']#

Name of the CSV file where the results are to be exported.

property BypassParameters: dict#

Dictionary with the parameters used in the bypass loads calculation. Even though the user may change any of these parameters, it is not recomended.

property CornerData: bool#

Whether there is data on the corners or not to extract the results. False by default.

property DefaultDiameter: float#

Diameter to be applied to joints with no previously assigned diameter.

property ExportLocation: str#

Path where the results are to be exported.

property GetFasteners: N2PGetFasteners#

N2PGetFasteners model. Either this, or both _list_joints and _model, is a compulsory input and an error will occur if this is not present.

property ListJoints: list[N2PJoint]#

List of N2PJoints to be analyzed. Either both this and _model, or get_fasteners, are compulsory inputs and an error will occur if they are not present.

property LoadCases: list[int]#

List of the IDs of the load cases to be analyzed. If no list is given, it is assumed that all load cases should be analyzed.

property Model: N2PModelContent#

Model to be analyzed. Either both this and _list_joints, or _get_fasteners, are compulsory inputs and an error will occur if they are not present.

property Results: dict#

Results obtained in get_results_joints().

property ResultsFiles: list[str]#

List of paths of OP2 results files. It is a compulsory input unless the model loaded in model or in get_fasteners has results loaded in.

property TypeExport: str#

Whether the results are exported in the NaxToPy style or in the Altair style.


The constructor creates an empty N2PGetLoadFasteners instance. Its attributes must be added as properties.

Calling example:
>>> import NaxToPy as n2p
>>> from NaxToPy.Modules.Fasteners.N2PGetFasteners import N2PGetFasteners
>>> from NaxToPy.Modules.Fasteners.N2PGetLoadFasteners import N2PGetLoadFasteners
>>> model1 = n2p.get_model(route.fem) # model loaded
>>> fasteners = N2PGetFasteners()
>>> fasteners.Model = model1 # compulsory input
>>> fasteners.Thresh = 1.5 # a custom threshold is selected (optional)
>>> fasteners.GlobalIDList = [10, 11, 12, 13, 14] # Only some joints are to be analyzed (optional)
>>> fasteners.GetAttachmentsBool = False # attachments will not be obtained (optional)
>>> fasteners.calculate() # fasteners are obtained
>>> fasteners.ListJoints[0].Diameter = 6.0 # this joint is assigned a certain diameter
>>> loads = N2PGetLoadFasteners()
>>> loads.GetFasteners = fasteners # compulsory input
>>> loads.ResultsFiles = [r"route1.op2", r"route2.op2", r"route3.op2"] # the desired results files are loaded
>>> loads.AdjacencyLevel = 3 # a custom adjacency level is selected (optional)
>>> loads.LoadCases = [1, 2, 133986] # list of load cases' ID to be analyzed (optional)
>>> loads.CornerData = True # the previous load cases have corner data (optional)
>>> # some bypass parameters are changed (optional and not recommended)
>>> loads.BypassParameters = {"max iterations" = 50, "PROJECTION TOLERANCE" = 1e-6}
>>> loads.DefaultDiameter = 3.6 #  joints with no previously assigned diameter will get this diameter (optional)
>>> loads.AnalysisName = "Analysis_1" # name of the CSV file where the results will be exported (optional)
>>> loads.ExportLocation = r"path" # results are to be exported to a certain path (optional)
>>> loads.TypeExport = "Altair" # results will be exported in the Altair style (optional)
>>> loads.calculate() # calculations will be made and results will be exported
Instead of using loads.GetFasteners, the user could also set these attributes:
>>> loads.Model = model1 # the same model is loaded, compulsory input
>>> loads.ListJoints = fasteners.ListJoints[0:10] # only a certain amount of joints is loaded, compulsory input
>>> loadFasteners.calculate() # calculations will be made with all of the default parameters and, therefore,
results will not be exported.

Method used to do all the previous calculations and, optionally, export the results.

Calling example:
>>> loads.calculate()

Method used to export the obtained results to a CSV file.

Calling example:
>>> loads.export_results()

Method used to do the previous analysis and, optionally, export the results.

Calling example:
>>> loads.get_analysis_joints()

Method used to obtain the bypass loads of each joint. If an N2PJoint has no diameter, the default diameter is assigned (in case it has been defined by the user). In order to work, the results attribute must have been previously filled (by having called get_results_joints()). If it has not, an error will occur.

The following steps are followed:

  1. If there are joints with no diameter, the default one is assigned.

2. If there are still joints with no diameter or negative diameter (which could happen if some joints did not have a diameter and no default diameter was given), these joints are removed from the list of joints, as well as their associated N2PBolts and N2PPlates, and an error is displayed. 3. The bypass loads of each (remaining) N2PJoint is calculated.

Calling example:
>>> loads.get_bypass_joints(defaultDiameter = 4.8)

Method used to obtain the 1D forces of each joint. In order to work, the results attribute must have been previously filled (by having called get_results_joints()). If it has not, an error will occur.

Calling example:
>>> loads.get_forces_joints()

Method used to load a new model with all of the results files and only certain elements.

The following steps are followed:

1. A new model is created that includes only the elements that make up the joints, as well as all elements adjacent to them in a certain radius as defined by the user. 2. Results files are imported to this new model. 3. Elements and their internal IDs are updated so that they correspond to the values of the new model.

Calling example:
>>> loads.get_model()

Method used to obtain the results of the model. If no load cases have been selected, then it is assumed that all load cases are to be analyzed. In order to work, the list_joints and model attributes must have been previously filled. If they have not, an error will occur.

The following steps are followed:

  1. If no load cases have been selected by the user, all load cases in the model will be analyzed.

2. Results are obtained with the get_results() function. Its outputs are, (a), the results per se, and (b), the list of broken load cases, that is, the list of load cases that lack an important result. 3. If there are some broken load cases, they are removed from the _load_cases attribute and. If all load cases were broken (meaning that the current _load_cases attribute is empty), an error is displayed.

Calling example:
>>> loads.get_results_joints()

NaxToPy.Modules.Fasteners.N2PUpdateFastener module#

class NaxToPy.Modules.Fasteners.N2PUpdateFastener.N2PUpdateFastener(model: N2PModelContent, information: dict | list, id_list: list = None, stiffness_method: str = 'HUTH')[source]#

Bases: object

This class stores information about fasteners and provides methods to update their stiffness and generate a new FEM Input File (.bdf, .fem, .dat, etc.) file with the updated data.

Fastener information can be input either as a dictionary (for a single type of fastener) or as a list of dictionaries (for multiple types). Each dictionary must include at least the keys for diameter [“D”] and elastic modulus [“E”]. Optional keys include head height [“h_head”], nut height [“h_nut”], Poisson ratio [“nu”], shear modulus [“G”], connection type (“bolt” or “rivet”) [“connection_type”], shear type (“simple” or “double”) [“shear_type”], and the beta value for Nelson method [“beta”].

IDs of fasteners to be updated can be provided as either a single list (for a single type of fastener) or as a list of lists (for multiple types). If no list of IDs is provided, all fasteners in the model will be updated.

When multiple types of fasteners are used, the order of the list of dictionaries must match the order of the list of ID lists to ensure proper mapping of variables.

Supported methods for stiffness calculation include HUTH, TATE_ROSENFELD, SWIFT, BOEING, GRUMMAN, and NELSON.


Example 1:

>>> import NaxToPy as n2p
>>> model = n2p.load_model("model.dat")
>>> info1 = {"D": 4.8,
...         "E": 110000}
>>> info2 = {"D": 7.2,
...         "E": 70000,
...         "connection_type": "rivet",
...         "shear_type": "double"}
>>> ele1 = [1000, 1001, 1002]
>>> ele2 = [2000, 2001, 2002]
>>> update1 = N2PUpdateFastener(model, [info1, info2], [ele1, ele2], "BOEING")
>>> update1.calculate() # This will update the model in memory with the information of the object.
>>> model.ModelInputData.rebuild_file() # With the model updated, the model is rewritten

Example 2:

>>> model = n2p.load_model("model.dat")
>>> update2 = N2PUpdateFastener(model, {}) # Create the object without information
>>> update2.IDList = [3000, 3001, 3002] # Add the information using it properties
>>> update2.StiffnessMethod = "GRUMMAN"
>>> update2.FastenerInformation = {3000: {"D": 4.8, "E": 70000, "connection_type": "rivet"},
...                                3001: {"D": 6.8, "E": 70000, "connection_type": "bolt"},
...                                3002: {"D": 7.2, "E": 70000, "shear_type": "double"}}
>>> update2.calculate() # This will update the model in memory with the information of the object.
>>> model.ModelInputData.rebuild_file() # With the model updated, the model is rewritten
property FastenerInformation: dict#

Returns the dictionary mapping each fastener with its properties

property IDList: list | list[list]#

Returns the list of fasteners to be updated

property InfoDicts: dict | list[dict]#

Returns the list of dictionaries containing the fastener information

property StiffnessMethod: str#

Returns the name of the method used to calculate the fastener stiffness

calculate() None[source]#

Update properties of fasteners in a model.

Reads a model from a BDF file and updates the properties of PFAST and PBUSH elements. If a list of fastener IDs is provided, it updates the properties of those elements.





write_bdf(out_folder: str)[source]#

Module contents#
