from __future__ import annotations
from NaxToPy.Core.Classes.N2PNastranInputData import *
from NaxToPy.Core.Classes.N2PAbaqusInputData import *
from NaxToPy.Core.Classes.N2PElement import N2PElement
from NaxToPy.Core.Classes.N2PNode import N2PNode
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from NaxToPy.Modules.Fasteners.Joints.N2PJoint import N2PJoint
class N2PBolt:
Class that represents a single bolt.
id: int -> bolt's internal identificator.
one_dim_elems_id_list: list[int] -> list of the internal IDs of N2PElements that make up the bolt.
cards: list[N2PCard] -> list of the cards of the N2PElements that make up the bolt. It could contain nulls/
nones, like when dealing with .op2 files.
type: str -> type of bolt.
joint: N2PJoint -> N2PJoint associated to the N2PBolt.
elements: list[N2PElement] -> list of all N2PElements associated to the N2PBolt.
element_local_system_force: dict[int, dict[int, list[float]]] -> dictionary in the form {Load Case ID: Bolt
Element ID: [FX, FY, FZ]} of the joint in the local coordinate system.
axial_force: dict[int, dict[int, float]] -> dictionary in the form {Load Case ID: Bolt Element ID: F} of the
joint's axial force.
shear_force: dict[int, dict[int, float]] -> dictionary in the form {Load Case ID: Bolt Element ID: F} of the
joint's shear force.
max_axial_force: dict[int, dict[int, float]] -> dictionary in the form {Load Case ID: F} of the joint's maximum
axial force.
load_angle: dict[int, dict[int, float]] -> dictionary in the form {Load Case ID: Bolt Element ID: Angle} of the
joint's load angle in degrees.
# N2PBolt constructor ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __init__(self, info, input_data_father):
self.__info__ = info
self.__input_data_father__ = input_data_father
self._id: int = int(self.__info__.ID)
self._one_dim_elems_id_list: list[int] = list(self.__info__.OneDimElemsIdList)
self._cards: list[N2PCard] = [self.__input_data_father__._N2PNastranInputData__dictcardscston2p[i] for i in self.__info__.Cards if self.__info__.Cards[0] is not None]
self._type: str = self.__info__.Type.ToString()
self._joint: N2PJoint = None
self._elements: list[N2PElement] = None
self._element_local_system_force: dict[int, dict[int, list[float]]] = {}
self._axial_force: dict[int, dict[int, float]] = {}
self._shear_force: dict[int, dict[int, float]] = {}
self._max_axial_force: dict[int, float] = {}
self._load_angle: dict[int, dict[int, float]] = {}
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Getters ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def ID(self) -> int:
Property that returns the id attribute, that is, the bolt's internal identificator.
return self._id
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def OneDimElemsIDList(self) -> list[int]:
Property that returns the one_dim_elems_id_list attribute, that is, the list of the internal IDs of all
N2PElements that make up the N2PBolt.
return self._one_dim_elems_id_list
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def Cards(self) -> list[N2PCard]:
Property that returns the cards attribute, that is, the list of N2PCards associated to the N2PElements that
make up the bolt.
return self._cards
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def Type(self) -> str:
Property that returns the type attribute, that is, what type of elements make up the bolt.
return self._type
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def Joint(self) -> N2PJoint:
Property that returns the joint attribute, that is, the N2PJoint associated to the bolt.
return self._joint
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def Elements(self) -> list[N2PElement]:
Property that returns the elements attribute, that is, the list of all N2PElements that compose the bolt.
return self._elements
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def ElementsID(self) -> list[int]:
Property that returns the list of the solver IDs of all N2PElements that compose the bolt.
return [j.ID for j in self.Elements]
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def ElementsInternalID(self) -> list[int]:
Property that returns the list of the internal IDs of all N2PElements that compose the bolt.
return [j.InternalID for j in self.Elements]
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def Nodes(self) -> list[N2PNode]:
Property that returns the list of all N2PNodes that compose the bolt.
return [j.Nodes for j in self.Elements]
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def PartID(self) -> str:
Property that returns the part ID of the bolt.
return self.Elements[0].PartID
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def ElementLocalSystemForce(self) -> dict[int, list[float]]:
Property that returns the element_local_system_force attribute, that is, the bolt's 1D forces in the local
reference frame.
return self._element_local_system_force
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def AxialForce(self) -> dict[int, float]:
Property that returns the axial_force attribute, that is, the bolt's shear force.
return self._axial_force
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def ShearForce(self) -> dict[int, float]:
Property that returns the shear_force attribute, that is, the bolt's shear force.
return self._shear_force
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def MaxAxialForce(self) -> dict[int, float]:
Property that returns the max_axial_force attribute, that is, the maximum axial force sustained by the bolt.
return self._max_axial_force
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def LoadAngle(self) -> dict[int, float]:
Property that returns the load_angle attribute, that is, the bolt's load angle in degrees.
return self._load_angle
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------