Source code for NaxToPy.Modules.Fasteners.Joints.N2PAttachment
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from NaxToPy.Modules.Fasteners.Joints.N2PPlate import N2PPlate
from NaxToPy.Modules.Fasteners.Joints.N2PJoint import N2PJoint
import numpy as np
class N2PAttachment:
Class that represents an attachment, which is a series of N2PJoints that join the same N2PPlates.
id: int
attached_plates_ids: list[int] -> list of the attached N2PPlates' ID.
attached_plates: list[N2PPlate] -> list of the attached N2PPlates.
joints: list[N2PJoint] -> list of the attached N2PJoints.
pitch: float -> minimum distance from an N2PJoint to its neighbours.
# N2PAttachment constructor ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __init__(self, id):
self._id: int = id
self._attached_plates_ids: list[int] = None
self._attached_plates: list[N2PPlate] = None
self._joints: list[N2PJoint] = []
self._pitch: float = None
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Getters ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def ID(self) -> int:
Property that returns the id attribute, that is, the N2PAttachment's ID.
return self._id
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def AttachedPlatesIDs(self) -> list[int]:
Property that returns the attached_plates_ids attribute, that is, the list of the IDs of all attached N2PPlates.
return self._attached_plates_ids
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def AttachedPlates(self) -> list[N2PPlate]:
Property that returns the attached_plates attribute, that is, the list of all attached N2PPlates.
return self._attached_plates
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def Joints(self) -> list[N2PJoint]:
Property that returns the joints attribute, that is, the list of all N2PJoints.
return self._joints
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def Pitch(self) -> float:
Property that returns the pitch attribute, that is, the attachment's pitch.
return self._pitch
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Method used to obtain the attachment's pitch ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def get_pitch(self):
Method used to obtain the attachment's pitch, that is, the minimum distance from an N2PJoint to its neighbours.
Calling example:
>>> from NaxToPy.Modules.Fasteners.Joints.N2PAttachment import N2PAttachment
>>> jointPitch = myAttachment.get_pitch()
intersectionPoints = []
plateID = self.Joints[0].Plates[0].AttachmentID
for i in self._joints:
plate = [p for p in i.Plates if p.AttachmentID == plateID][0]
numPoints = len(intersectionPoints)
distances = np.zeros((numPoints, numPoints))
for i in range(numPoints):
for j in range(i + 1, numPoints):
distance = np.linalg.norm(intersectionPoints[i] - intersectionPoints[j])
distances[i, j] = distances[j, i] = distance
np.fill_diagonal(distances, np.inf)
distances = np.min(distances, axis = 0)
for i, j in enumerate(self._joints):
j._pitch = float(distances[i])
self._pitch = float(np.min(distances))
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