"""Module that contains the N2PReport class"""
from NaxToPy.Core.Classes.N2PNode import N2PNode
from NaxToPy.Core.Classes.N2PElement import N2PElement
from NaxToPy.Core.Errors.N2PLog import N2PLog
from NaxToPy.Core.Classes.N2PComponent import _get_axis
from NaxToPy.Core._AuxFunc._NetToPython import _numpytonet
import numpy as np
from typing import Union
from NaxToModel import N2Report, N2ParamInputResults, N2Enums
from System import Object, Array
class N2PReport:
"""Class that contains the data of a report. It includes the input data: load cases, the selection (that could be a
list of N2PNode or N2PElement), if envelope,... and the output data: results array asked"""
_sortbyoptions = {"LC": 0, "IDS": 1}
__slots__ = (
def __init__(self, vz_model, lc_incr: str, allincr: bool, result: str, componentssections: str, ifenvelope: bool,
selection: list[N2PNode, N2PElement], sortby: str, aveSections=-1, cornerData=False, aveNodes=-1,
variation=100, realPolar=0, coordsys: int = -1000, v1: Union[tuple, np.ndarray] = (1, 0, 0),
v2: Union[tuple, np.ndarray] = (0, 1, 0)):
self._vz_model = vz_model
self._lc_incr = lc_incr
self._allincr = allincr
self._result = result
self._componentssections = componentssections
self._ifenvelope = ifenvelope
self._selection = selection
self._optionalargs = {"aveSections": aveSections, "cornerData": cornerData, "aveNodes": aveNodes,
"variation": variation, "realPolar": realPolar, "coordsys": coordsys, "v1": v1, "v2": v2}
sortby = sortby.upper()
if sortby in self._sortbyoptions.keys():
self._sortby = sortby
self._paraminputresult = N2ParamInputResults.structResults(0)
self._paraminputresult.Result = result
self._paraminputresult.aveSection = aveSections
self._paraminputresult.cornerData = cornerData
self._paraminputresult.aveIntra = aveNodes
self._paraminputresult.variation = variation
self._paraminputresult.real_cartesian_polar = realPolar
if coordsys > 0:
self._paraminputresult.coordSys = coordsys
elif coordsys < 0 and (v1 != (1, 0, 0) or v2 != (0, 1, 0)):
# Esto es una array de doubles. Si se quiere hacer una transformacion tanto en sistemas ya definidos en
# el solver como por el usuario hay que pasarlo como argumento de N2ParamInputResult
new_sys = _get_axis(v1, v2)
new_sys = _numpytonet(new_sys)
self._paraminputresult.coordSys = -10
self._paraminputresult.orientationcoordinatesystem = new_sys
elif coordsys == -1:
self._paraminputresult.coordSys = coordsys
self._vizzerout = None
def calculate(self) -> None:
"""Method that actually generate the report using the object attributes."""
ids = _numpytonet(np.array([ele.InternalID for ele in self._selection], dtype=np.int64))
obj_array = Array.CreateInstance(Object, 0)
selectionType = N2Enums.selectionType(0)
if isinstance(self._selection[0], N2PNode):
selectionType = N2Enums.selectionType(1)
error, self._vizzerout = N2Report.GenerateReport(self._vz_model, ids, self._lc_incr, self._allincr, self._componentssections,
self._paraminputresult, N2Report.SortBy(self._sortbyoptions[self._sortby]),
selectionType, self._ifenvelope, obj_array)
if error < 0:
def to_csv(self, path) -> None:
""" Method that saves the report in a csv text format in the document specified in the argument. It uses the
current delimiter specified in the Windows Regional Setting.
path: path of the text file
Returns: None
np.savetxt(path, np.vstack((self.Headers, self.Body)), delimiter=N2Report.ConfigRegionalSettings(), fmt='%s')
def Headers(self) -> np.ndarray:
"""Returns a ndarray of strings with the headers"""
if not self._vizzerout:
return np.array(self._vizzerout[0])
def Body(self) -> np.ndarray:
"""Returns a ndarray of strings with the results of the report asked"""
if not self._vizzerout:
cs_array = np.array(self._vizzerout[1])
d2 = len(self.Headers)
d1 = len(cs_array)//d2
return cs_array.reshape(d1, d2)
def LC_FR(self) -> str:
"""Formula with the load cases and increments/frames"""
return self._lc_incr
def Result(self) -> str:
"""Result where de components are asked"""
return self._result
def CompSections(self) -> str:
"""Formula with the components and it sections"""
return self._componentssections
def Enevelope(self) -> bool:
"""True if the envelope of the elements/nodes is asked"""
return self._ifenvelope
def Selection(self) -> list[Union[N2PNode, N2PElement]]:
"""List of N2PNodes or N2PElement where the results for the report is asked"""
return self._selection
def SortBy(self) -> str:
"""Can be "LC" if is load case shorted or "IDS" if is by id of the element/node. ("LC" means all the elements
for LC1, then all elements for LC2... While "IDS" is for element1 all LC, then element2 for all LC...)"""
return self._sortby
def OptianlArgs(self) -> dict:
"""Dictionary with the values of the optional arguments: "aveSections", "cornerData", "aveNodes", "variation",
"realPolar", "coordsys", "v1", "v2" """
return self._optionalargs