"""Module with the class N2PProperty and all its derivated class"""
from abc import ABC
import math
from NaxToPy.Core.Errors.N2PLog import N2PLog
import numpy as np
failuredict = {0: "UNKNOWN",
1: "HILL",
2: "HOFF",
3: "TASI",
4: "STRN",
5: "HASH",
6: "PUCK",
7: "STRS"}
# Clase base para el resto de propiedades ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class N2PProperty(ABC):
"""Main abstract class for properties. The rest of the properties derive from it"""
__slots__ = (
def __init__(self, information, model_father):
Constructor of the class N2PProperty. As Abaqus don't have ids for the props
self.__info = information
self.__model = model_father
def ID(self) -> int:
if self.__info.ID is None or self.__info.ID == 0:
return self.__info.ID
def PartID(self) -> int:
if self.__info.PartID is None:
return self.__info.PartID
def InternalID(self) -> int:
return self.__info.InternalID
def Name(self) -> str:
return self.__info.Name
def PropertyType(self) -> str:
return self.__info.PropertyType.ToString()
# Special Method for Object Representation -------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __repr__(self):
if self.__model.Solver == "Abaqus":
reprs = f"N2PProperty(\'{self.Name}\', \'{self.PropertyType}\')"
reprs = f"N2PProperty({self.ID}, \'{self.PropertyType}\')"
return reprs
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Clase para definir propiedades de compuestos -------------------------------------------------------------------------
class N2PComp(N2PProperty):
Class for defining compound properties. It derives from N2PProperty.
def __init__(self, information, model_father):
Constructor of the class N2PComp. It has base in N2PProperty
super().__init__(information, model_father)
self.__info__ = information
self.__model__ = model_father
def NumPiles(self) -> int:
return self.__info__.NumPiles
def IsSymetric(self) -> bool:
return self.__info__.IsSymetric
def NSM(self) -> float:
return self.__info__.NSM
def AllowShear(self) -> float:
return self.__info__.AllowShear
def FailTh(self) -> str:
return self.__info__.FailTh.ToString()
def DampCoef(self) -> float:
return self.__info__.DampCoef
def MatID(self) -> tuple[int]:
return tuple(self.__info__.Mat)
def Thickness(self) -> tuple[float]:
return tuple(self.__info__.Thickness)
def Theta(self) -> tuple[float]:
return tuple(self.__info__.Theta)
def SOut(self) -> tuple[bool]:
return tuple(self.__info__.SOut)
def Plies(self) -> list[tuple]:
It returns a list of tuple. A tuple for a ply. Plies have four data: (MatID, Thickness, Theta, SOut)
return [(self.MatID[i], self.Thickness[i], self.Theta[i]) for i in range(self.NumPiles)]
def EqQMatrix(self) -> list:
Returns the lamina stiffness matrix (Q-Bar)
q11_t = 0
q12_t = 0
q22_t = 0
q16_t = 0
q26_t = 0
q66_t = 0
t_thick = sum(self.Thickness) #! is self.Thickness a numpy array?
for i in range(self.NumPiles):
c = math.cos(math.radians(self.Theta[i]))
s = math.sin(math.radians(self.Theta[i]))
thick = self.Thickness[i]
rel_thick = thick/t_thick
mat = self.__model__._N2PModelContent__material_dict[self.MatID[i]]
s11 = 1 / mat.YoungX
s22 = 1 / mat.YoungY
s12 = (-1) * mat.PoissonXY / mat.YoungX
s66 = 1 / mat.ShearXY if mat.ShearXY != 0.0 else mat.YoungX/(2*(1+mat.PoissonXY))
# Calculate the terms of the reduced stiffness matrix Q in the laminae coordinate system
q11 = s22 / (s11 * s22 - s12 ** 2)
q12 = (-1) * s12 / (s11 * s22 - s12 ** 2)
q22 = s11 / (s11 * s22 - s12 ** 2)
q66 = 1 / s66
# Calculate the terms of the reduced stiffness matrix Q' in the laminate coordinate system
q11_t += (q11 * c ** 4 + 2 * (q12 + 2 * q66) * s ** 2 * c ** 2 + q22 * s ** 4) * rel_thick #! why multiply by the thickness
q12_t += ((q11 + q22 - 4 * q66) * s ** 2 * c ** 2 + q12 * (s ** 4 + c ** 4)) * rel_thick
q22_t += (q11 * s ** 4 + 2 * (q12 + 2 * q66) * s ** 2 * c ** 2 + q22 * c ** 4) * rel_thick
q16_t += ((q11 - q12 - 2 * q66) * s * c ** 3 + (q12 - q22 + 2 * q66) * s ** 3 * c) * rel_thick
q26_t += ((q11 - q12 - 2 * q66) * s ** 3 * c + (q12 - q22 + 2 * q66) * s * c ** 3) * rel_thick
q66_t += ((q11 + q22 - 2 * q12 - 2 * q66) * s ** 2 * c ** 2 + q66 * (s ** 4 + c ** 4)) * rel_thick
Q = [[q11_t, q12_t, q16_t],
[q12_t, q22_t, q26_t],
[q16_t, q26_t, q66_t]]
return Q
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def QMatrix(self, i) -> np.ndarray:
Returns the lamina stiffness matrix (Q-Bar) as a numpy 2D array
| σx | | ε |
| σy | = [Q]*| ε |
| τxy| | γ/2 |
c = np.cos(np.radians(self.Theta[i]))
s = np.sin(np.radians(self.Theta[i]))
mat = self.__model__.MaterialDict[self.MatID[i]]
s11 = 1 / mat.YoungX
s22 = 1 / mat.YoungY
s12 = (-1) * mat.PoissonXY / mat.YoungX
shear = mat.ShearXY if mat.ShearXY != 0.0 else mat.YoungX/(2*(1+mat.PoissonXY))
s66 = 1 / shear
# Calculate the terms of the reduced stiffness matrix Q in the lamina, principal axis, coordinate system
q11 = s22 / (s11 * s22 - s12 ** 2)
q12 = (-1) * s12 / (s11 * s22 - s12 ** 2)
q22 = s11 / (s11 * s22 - s12 ** 2)
q66 = 1 / s66
Q = np.array([[q11, q12, 0],[q12,q22,0],[0,0,q66]])
# Calculate the terms of the reduced stiffness matrix Q' in the laminate, general, coordinate system
# Calculate matrix of rotation, [T]
T = np.array([[c**2, s**2,2*s*c],
T_inv = np.linalg.inv(T)
except Exception as e:
msg = N2PLog.Error.E315()
raise Exception(msg)
# From Jones pg50-51: [sigma] = [T]**(-1)*[Q]*[T]**(-1) [eps] = [Q_bar]*[eps]
Q_bar = T_inv @ Q @ np.transpose(T_inv)
return Q_bar
def ABDMatrix(self) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
Calculate extensional (A), coupling (B), and bending (D) stiffness matrices
Returns A, B, C (numpy 2D arrays) of the laminate
# Nótese que las unidades de las matrices de rigidez ABD deben ser consistentes: A [N/m], B [N] y D [N·m].
A = np.zeros([3, 3], float)
B = np.zeros([3, 3], float)
D = np.zeros([3, 3], float)
if self.NumPiles < 0: # SYMMETRIC LAMINATE
Nply = abs(self.NumPiles) # in this case Nply = half the real number of plies
t_thick = sum(self.Thickness)*2
low_reference = - sum(self.Thickness)
iterplies = np.pad(np.arange(0,Nply), (0,Nply), 'symmetric') # e.g.: transforms [0,1,2] in [0,1,2,2,1,0]
Nply = self.NumPiles # in this case Nply 0 real number of plies
t_thick = sum(self.Thickness)
low_reference = - sum(self.Thickness) / 2
iterplies = np.arange(0, Nply)
for i in iterplies:
thick = self.Thickness[i] # tener en cuenta caso simetrico
centroid = low_reference + thick/2
Q_bar = self.QMatrix(i) # get Q_bar of the lamina in the laminate coordinate system
# Calculate A, B, C matrices in the laminate coordinate system
A += Q_bar*thick # extensional_matrix
B += Q_bar * centroid * thick # bending_matrix
D += Q_bar * (centroid**2 * thick + (thick**3)/12) # coupling_matrix
low_reference += thick
return A, B, D
# Clase para definir propiedades de tipo placa -------------------------------------------------------------------------
class N2PShell(N2PProperty):
Class for defining shell properties. It derives from N2PProperty.
def __init__(self, information, model_father):
Constructor of the class N2PShell. It has base in N2PProperty
super().__init__(information, model_father)
self.__info__ = information
self.__model__ = model_father
def MatMemID(self) -> int:
return self.__info__.MatMemID
def MatBenID(self) -> int:
return self.__info__.MatBenID
def MatSheID(self) -> int:
return self.__info__.MatSheID
def Thickness(self) -> float:
return self.__info__.Thickness
def BenMR(self) -> float:
return self.__info__.BenMR
def TrShThickness(self) -> float:
return self.__info__.TrShThickness
def NSM(self) -> float:
return self.__info__.NSM
def FiberDist(self) -> tuple[float, float]:
"""Fiber distances for stress calculations. The positive direction is determined by the right-hand rule, and the
order in which the grid points are listed on the connection entry"""
return tuple(self.__info__.FiberDist)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Clase para definir propiedades de tipo solido ------------------------------------------------------------------------
class N2PSolid(N2PProperty):
Class for defining solid properties. It derives from N2PProperty.
def __init__(self, information, model_father):
Constructor of the class N2PSolid. It has base in N2PProperty
super().__init__(information, model_father)
self.__info__ = information
self.__model__ = model_father
def MatID(self) -> int:
return self.__info__.MatID
def Cordm(self) -> int:
return self.__info__.Cordm
def IntNet(self) -> str:
return self.__info__.IntNet.strip()
def LocStrssOut(self) -> str:
return self.__info__.LocStrssOut.strip()
def IntSch(self) -> str:
return self.__info__.IntSch.strip()
def Fluid(self) -> str:
return self.__info__.Fluid
class N2PRod(N2PProperty):
Class for defining Rod or Truss properties. It derives from N2PProperty.
def __init__(self, information, model_father):
Constructor of the class N2PRod. It has base in N2PProperty
super().__init__(information, model_father)
self.__info__ = information
self.__model__ = model_father
def MatID(self) -> int:
return self.__info__.MatID
def Area(self) -> float:
return self.__info__.Area
def J(self) -> float:
"""Torsinon Constant"""
return self.__info__.TorsinonConstant
def CoefTorsion(self) -> float:
"""Torsional Coeficient. Abv as C. It is used to calculate the stress: tau = (C*Moment)/J"""
return self.__info__.CoefTorsion
def NSM(self) -> float:
return self.__info__.NSM
class N2PBeam(N2PProperty):
Class for defining PBEAM, PBAR and Beam section form Abaqus. It derives from N2PProperty.
def __init__(self, information, model_father):
Constructor of the class N2PBeam. It has base in N2PProperty
super().__init__(information, model_father)
self.__info__ = information
self.__model__ = model_father
def MatID(self) -> int:
return self.__info__.MatID
def Area(self) -> list:
return list(self.__info__.Area)
def NumSeg(self) -> int:
"""Number of Segments. Only for BEAMS. For BARs it will be 0 always."""
return self.__info__.NumSeg
def I1(self) -> list:
return list(self.__info__.I1)
def I2(self) -> list:
return list(self.__info__.I2)
def I12(self) -> list:
return list(self.__info__.I12)
def J(self) -> list:
"""Torsinon Constant"""
return list(self.__info__.TorsinonConstant)
def FractionalDistance(self) -> list:
"""Fractional distance of the intermediate station from end A."""
return list(self.__info__.FractionalDistance)
def NSM(self) -> list:
return list(self.__info__.NSM)
def K1(self) -> float:
"""Shear stiffness factor K in K*A*G for plane 1"""
return self.__info__.K1
def K2(self) -> float:
"""Shear stiffness factor K in K*A*G for plane 1"""
return self.__info__.K2
def NSIA(self) -> float:
"""Nonstructural mass moment of inertia per unit length about nonstructural mass center of gravity at end A."""
return self.__info__.NSIA
def NSIB(self) -> float:
"""Nonstructural mass moment of inertia per unit length about nonstructural mass center of gravity at end B."""
return self.__info__.NSIB