from NaxToPy.Core.Classes.N2PIncrement import N2PIncrement
from NaxToPy.Core.Classes.N2PResult import N2PResult
from NaxToPy.Core.Errors.N2PLog import N2PLog
from typing import Union
# Clase Load Case de Python --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class N2PLoadCase:
"""Class which contains the information associated to a load case instance of N2PLoadCase object
ID: int.
Name: str.
TypeSolution: str.
Results: dict[str: N2PResult].
Increments list[N2PIncrement].
NumIncrements: int.
ActiveN2PIncrement: N2PIncrement.
TypeLC: int.
IsComplex: bool.
InternalID: int.
__slots__ = (
# Constructor de N2PLoadCase ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __init__(self, id_lc, id_original, increments, increments_number_list, is_complex, lc_type, name, results,
solution_type, solver, model_father, n2loadcase):
'''Python Load Case Constructor
ID: int -> Identification Number of the Load Case
IDOriginal: int -> Original Identification Number of the Load Case
Increments: list[N2Increment] -> list with instances of N2Increment
IncrementsNumberList: list[int] -> list with the number associated to each increment
IsComplex: bool -> boolean value. True if the LC is associated to a complex LC
LCType: str -> Type of solution applied in the load case
Name : str -> Name of the load case
Solver : str -> Solver of the load case
Results: list[N2Results] -> list with instances of N2Results
N2PLoadCase: object
self.__id = id_lc
self.__idoriginal = id_original
self.__increments = [N2PIncrement(increments[i]) for i in range(0, len(increments))]
self.__incrementsnumberlist = increments_number_list
self.__iscomplex = is_complex
self.__lctype = lc_type
self.__namelc = name
self.__results = {results[i].Name: N2PResult(
self) for i in range(0, len(results))}
self.__solutiontype = solution_type
self._activeIncrement = list(increments)[-1].ID
self.__solver = solver
self._modelFather = model_father
self.__n2loadcase = n2loadcase
self.__increments_by_name = dict()
self.__increments_by_id = dict()
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Metodo para obtener el numero de identificacion interno del caso de carga ----------------------------------------
def ID(self) -> int:
return int(self.__id)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Metodo oara obtener el numero de identificacion original del caso de carga ---------------------------------------
def OriginalID(self) -> int:
return int(self.__idoriginal)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Metodo para obtener el numero de incrementos dentro del caso de carga --------------------------------------------
def NumIncrements(self) -> int:
if self.__increments is not None:
return len(self.__increments)
return 0
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Metodo para obtener los incrementos de un caso de carga ----------------------------------------------------------
def Increments(self) -> list[N2PIncrement]:
return self.__increments
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Metodo para obtener si un caso de carga esta asociado a una solucion compleja ------------------------------------
def IsComplex(self) -> bool:
"""Returns a boolean indicating whether the load case is associated to a complex solution"""
return bool(self.__iscomplex)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Metodo para obtener el tipo de caso de Carga ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def TypeLC(self) -> str:
''' Returns the type of Load Case. RAW -> the load case is extracted from the original file. IMPORTED -> the
load case has been imported.
return str(self.__lctype)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Metodo para obtener el nombre del caso de carga ------------------------------------------------------------------
def Name(self) -> str:
return str(self.__namelc)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Metodo para obtener el incremento activo. Influye en la funcion de llamada a get_result_array
def ActiveIncrement(self) -> int:
"""DEPRECATED PROPERTY. Use ActiveN2PIncrement.ID instead. Returns the active increment of the load case. By
default, is the last one."""
return self._activeIncrement
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Metodo para establecer el incremento activo. Influye en la funcion de llamada a get_result_array
def ActiveIncrement(self, id: Union[int, str]) -> None:
"""DEPRECATED PROPERTY. Use ActiveN2PIncrement instead. Sets the active increment of the load case. By defult is the last one.
id: int | str -> ID or Name of the N2PIncrement
activincrement = self.get_increments(id).ID
if activincrement is not None:
self._activeIncrement = activincrement
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Metodo para obtener el incremento activo. Influye en la funcion de llamada a get_result_array
def ActiveN2PIncrement(self) -> N2PIncrement:
"""Returns the active increment of the load case. By default, is the last one."""
return self.get_increments(self._activeIncrement)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Metodo para establecer el incremento activo. Influye en la funcion de llamada a get_result_array
def ActiveN2PIncrement(self, incr: N2PIncrement) -> None:
"""Sets the active increment of the load case. By defult is the last one.
incr: N2PIncrement -> ID or Name of the N2PIncrement
self._activeIncrement = incr.ID
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Metodo como propiedad que devuelve todos los N2PResult. Es igual que llamar a get_results sin
# parametros
def Results(self) -> dict[str, N2PResult]:
return self.__results
# Metodo para obtener el tipo de solucion del modelo ---------------------------------------------------------------
def TypeSolution(self) -> str:
return str(self.__solutiontype)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Metodo para obtener el solver del caso de carga ------------------------------------------------------------------
def Solver(self) -> str:
return str(self.__solver)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Propiedad que devuelve la ruta del fichero desde donde se importo el caso de carga -------------------------------
def PathFile(self) -> str:
"""Returns the path of the file where the load cases were imported from"""
return str(self.__n2loadcase.PathFile)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Metodo para obtener los incrementos disponibles en el caso de carga ----------------------------------------------
def get_increments(self, id: Union[int, str]) -> N2PIncrement:
''' Returns the N2PIncrement object with the id=ID or the id=Name of the Increment
id: str|int -> It can be the ID(int) of the increment or the Name(srt) of the increment
increment: N2PIncrement
# Chequear valor de Name
if isinstance(id, str):
# Si el diccionario está vacío se llena
#if len(self.__increments_by_name__) == 0:
if not self.__increments_by_name:
self.__increments_by_name = {str(incr.Name).lower(): incr for incr in self.Increments}
# Devuelvo N2PResult
increment = self.__increments_by_name.get(id.lower(), None)
if increment is not None:
return increment
return increment
elif isinstance(id, int):
# Si el diccionario está vacío se llena
if not self.__increments_by_id:
self.__increments_by_id = {incr.ID: incr for incr in self.Increments}
# Devuelvo N2PResult
increment = self.__increments_by_id.get(id, None)
if increment is not None:
return increment
return increment
# Devolver todos los resultados
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Metodo para obtener los incrementos disponibles en el caso de carga ----------------------------------------------
def get_result(self, name: str) -> N2PResult:
"""Returns the N2PResult object with the Name of the Result. The name of the results is different depoending on
the solver.
name: str
result: N2PResult
>>> displ = N2PLoadCase.get_result("DISPLACEMENT") # If nastran
>>> displ = N2PLoadCase.get_result("U") # If Abaqus
# Chequear valor de Name
if isinstance(name, str):
result = self.Results.get(name, None)
if result is None:
return result
# Devolver todos los resultados
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Metodo para obtener los incrementos disponibles en el caso de carga ----------------------------------------------
def set_increment(self, id: Union[int, str]) -> 'N2PLoadCase':
"""Method that sets the active increment using an ID where the results will be obtained.
If id=-1 the last increment is used as active.
id: int|str -> Number id or name of the increment is intended to set as active increment
loadcase: 'N2PLoadCase'
if id == -1:
self.ActiveN2PIncrement = self.__increments[-1]
elif isinstance(id, int):
n2pincrements = [i for i in self.__increments if i.ID == id]
if n2pincrements:
self.ActiveN2PIncrement = n2pincrements[0]
n2pincrements = [i for i in self.__increments if i.Name == id]
if n2pincrements:
self.ActiveN2PIncrement = n2pincrements[0]
return self
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Special Method for Object Representation -------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __repr__(self):
return f"N2PLoadCase({self.ID}: \'{self.Name}\')"
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------