import gc
from NaxToPy.Core.Classes.N2PSection import N2PSection
from NaxToPy.Core.Errors.N2PLog import N2PLog
from NaxToModel import N2ParamInputResults
from NaxToModel import N2TensorTransformation
from array import array
import numpy as np
from NaxToPy.Core._AuxFunc._NetToPython import _numpytonet
from typing import Union
# Clase Component de Python
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class N2PComponent:
'''Class which contains the information associated to a component of a N2PResult instance.
Name: str.
Sections: list[N2PSection].
IsTransformable: bool.
__slots__ = (
# Constructor de N2PComponent
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
def __init__(self, name, sections, result_father):
""" Python Component Constructor
name: str -> name of the component
sections: list[N2Sections] -> list with instances of N2Sections
result_father: N2PResult
self._name = name
self._sections = [N2PSection(sections[i].Name,
sections[i].Number) for i in range(0, len(sections))]
self._result_father = result_father
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Metodo para Obtener el Nombre de la Componente
# ----------------------------------------------
def Name(self) -> str:
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Metodo para Obtener una lista con las secciones de la componente ----------------------------
def Sections(self) -> list[N2PSection, ...]:
""" Returns a list of N2PSection objects with all the sections contained in the component
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def IsTransformable(self) -> bool:
"""Property that keeps if the component of a result is transformable in other coordinate system.
# No se guarda como atributo privado durante la instanciacion de un objeto porque algunas variables
# aun no se han construido. Por eso el metodo de la propiedad es la que busca los argumentos y llama
# al metodo dentro de Vizzer classes.
solver = self._result_father._loadCase_father._N2PLoadCase__solver
result = self._result_father.Name
component = self.Name
return bool(N2TensorTransformation.IsResultSupported(solver, result, component))
# Metodo para llamar a la funcion de NaxToModel que devueleve el array de resultados-----------------------------
def get_result_array(self, sections=None, aveSections=-1, cornerData=False, aveNodes=-1, variation=100,
realPolar=0, coordsys: int = -1000,
v1: tuple = (1, 0, 0), v2: tuple = (0, 1, 0)) -> tuple[list, str]:
"""Deprecated method. Please, use get_result_list instead for asking the results as a list. If a numpy array is
preferred, use get_result_ndarray"""
return self.get_result_list(sections, aveSections, cornerData, aveNodes, variation,
realPolar, coordsys, v1, v2)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Metodo para llamar a la funcion de NaxToModel que devueleve el array de resultados como lista------------------
def get_result_list(self, sections=None, aveSections=-1, cornerData=False, aveNodes=-1, variation=100,
realPolar=0, coordsys: int = -1000,
v1: Union[tuple, np.ndarray] = (1,0,0), v2: Union[tuple, np.ndarray] = (0,1,0)) -> tuple[list, str]:
""" Returns a tuple with the list of floats with the result array asked and a str with the position of the
sections: list[str] | list[N2PSection] -> Optional. Sections which operations are done.
None (Default) = All Sections
aveSections: int -> Optional. Operation Among Sections.
-1 : Maximum (Default),
-2 : Minimum,
-3 : Average,
-4 : Extreme,
-6 : Difference.
cornerData: bool -> Optional. Flag to get results in element nodal.
True : Results in Element-Nodal,
False : Results in centroid (Default).
aveNodes: int -> Optional. Operation among nodes when cornerData is selected.
0 : None,
-1 : Maximum (Default),
-2 : Minimum,
-3 : Average,
-5 : Average with variation parameter,
-6 : Difference.
variation: int -> Optional. Integer between 0 & 100 to select.
0 : No average between nodes,
100 : Total average between nodes (Default).
realPolar: int -> Optional. Data type when complex result.
1 : Real / Imaginary,
2 : Magnitude / Phase.
coordsys: int -> Optional. Coordinate System where the result_array will be represented. By default,
the output is in element system:
0 : Global,
-1 : Material Coordinate System,
-10 : User defined,
-20 : Element/Node User Defined,
>0 : Solver ID of the Predefined Coordinate System.
v1: tuple -> Optional.
v2: tuple -> Optional. Directions vectors that generate the coordinate system axis:
results: tuple(list[float], str)
# Aquí se prepara la llamada a la funcion de NaxToModel.N2PModelContent.getArraytoPlot(). Esta usa como
# argumento un objeto de la clase N2ParamImputResults. Por se instancia y se modifican sus propiedades antes
# de hacer la llamada a la funcion.
# Aqui se mete el sistema de coordenadas en el que queremos que nos saque la informacion.
# Para ello primero comprobamos que es viable hacer la tansformacion (puede que aun no este implementada o que
# la componente simplemente no la admita al ser un escalar a secas)
#resultsParameters.coordSys = -10
#orientationcoordinatesystem = algo
resultsParameters = self._create_n2paraminputresult(sections, aveSections, cornerData, aveNodes, variation,
realPolar, coordsys, v1, v2)
results = list(
resultsParameters, 0))
if results[1] == 1:
elif results[1] == 2:
return(list(results[0]), 'ELEMENTS')
elif results[1] == 3:
return(list(results[0]), 'ELEMENT NODAL')
return(-1, 'NO RESULTS')
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Metodo para llamar a la funcion de NaxToModel que devuelve el array de resultados como array de numpy----------
def get_result_ndarray(self, sections=None, aveSections=-1, cornerData=False, aveNodes=-1, variation=100,
realPolar=0, coordsys: int = -1000,
v1: Union[tuple, np.ndarray ] = (1,0,0), v2: Union[tuple, np.ndarray ] = (0,1,0)) -> tuple[np.array, str]:
""" Returns a tuple with the numpy array of floats with the result array asked and a str with the position of
the results
sections: list[str] | list[N2PSection] -> Optional. Sections which operations are done.
None (Default) = All Sections
aveSections: int -> Optional. Operation Among Sections.
-1 : Maximum (Default),
-2 : Minimum,
-3 : Average,
-4 : Extreme,
-6 : Difference.
cornerData: bool -> Optional. Flag to get results in element nodal.
True : Results in Element-Nodal,
False : Results in centroid (Default).
aveNodes: int -> Optional. Operation among nodes when cornerData is selected.
0 : None,
-1 : Maximum (Default),
-2 : Minimum,
-3 : Average,
-5 : Average with variation parameter,
-6 : Difference.
variation: int -> Optional. Integer between 0 & 100 to select.
0 : No average between nodes,
100 : Total average between nodes (Default).
realPolar: int -> Optional. Data type when complex result.
1 : Real / Imaginary,
2 : Magnitude / Phase.
coordsys: int -> Optional. Coordinate System where the result_array will be represented. By default,
the output is in element system:
0 : Global,
-1 : Material Coordinate System,
-10 : User defined,
-20 : Element/Node User Defined,
>0 : Solver ID of the Predefined Coordinate System.
v1: tuple -> Optional.
v2: tuple -> Optional. Directions vectors that generate the coordinate system axis:
results: tuple(np.array, str)
>>> # N2PComponent is a N2PLoadCase.get_results("DISPLACEMENTS").get_component("X")
>>> displ_X_array, where = N2PComponent.get_result_ndarray(aveSections=-3, coordsys=-1)
>>> # N2PComponent is a N2PLoadCase.get_results("STRESSES").get_component("XX")
>>> stress_array, where = N2PComponent.get_result_ndarray(v1=(-1, 0, 0), v2=(0, -1, 0))
resultsParameters = self._create_n2paraminputresult(sections, aveSections, cornerData, aveNodes, variation,
realPolar, coordsys, v1, v2)
results = \
resultsParameters, 0)
if results[1] == 1:
return (np.array(results[0], np.float64),'NODES')
elif results[1] == 2:
return (np.array(results[0], np.float64), 'ELEMENTS')
elif results[1] == 3:
return (np.array(results[0], np.float64), 'ELEMENT NODAL')
return (-1, 'NO RESULTS')
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# # Metodo que devulve un dataframe con los resulados tras llamar a la funcion de NaxToModel--
# def get_result_dataframe(self, sections=None, aveSections=-1, cornerData=False, aveNodes=-1,
# variation=100, realPolar=0, coordsys: int = -1000,
# v1: tuple = (1,0,0), v2: tuple = (0,1,0)) -> DataFrame:
# """Returns a DataFrame of pandas with the results array of a component as data for the active increment.
# Args:
# sections: list[str] | list[N2PSection] -> Sections which operations are done.
# None (Default) = All Sections
# aveSections: int -> Operation Among Sections.
# -1 : Maximum (Default),
# -2 : Minimum,
# -3 : Average,
# -4 : Extreme,
# -6 : Difference.
# cornerData: bool -> flag to get results in element nodal.
# True : Results in Element-Nodal,
# False : Results in centroid (Default).
# aveNodes: int -> Operation among nodes when cornerData is selected.
# 0 : None,
# -1 : Maximum (Default),
# -2 : Minimum,
# -3 : Average,
# -5 : Average with variation parameter,
# -6 : Difference.
# variation: int -> Integer between 0 & 100 to select.
# 0 : No average between nodes,
# 100 : Total average between nodes (Default).
# realPolar: int -> data type when complex result.
# 1 : Real / Imaginary,
# 2 : Magnitude / Phase.
# coordsys: int -> Coordinate System where the result_array will be represented.
# 0 : Global,
# -1 : Material Coordinate System,
# -10 : User defined,
# -20 : Element/Node User Defined,
# >0 : Solver ID of the Predefined Coordinate System.
# v1: tuple
# v2: tuple -> Directions vectors that generate the coordinate system axis:
# x=v1,
# z=v1^v2,
# y=z^x.
# Returns:
# DataFrame:
# data: float64: results array
# index: int | tuple: id of the element/node or tuple (id, part)
# it could be a tuple (nodo_id, element_id, part) for cornerData
# column: str: component.Name
# ----------
# """
# ids = list()
# indexname = list()
# resultlist = self.get_result_array(sections, aveSections, cornerData, aveNodes, variation, realPolar, coordsys,
# v1, v2)
# if resultlist[0] == -1:
# N2PLog.Error.E208()
# return DataFrame()
# if len(self.__result_father__._loadCase_father._modelFather._N2PModelContent__StrPartToID) == 1:
# noparts = True
# else:
# noparts = False
# if resultlist[1] == "NODES":
# nodos = self.__result_father__._loadCase_father._modelFather.get_nodes()
# if noparts:
# ids = [nodo.ID for nodo in nodos]
# indexname = ["Grid"]
# else:
# ids = [(nodo.PartID, nodo.ID) for nodo in nodos]
# indexname = ["Part", "Grid"]
# del nodos
# elif resultlist[1] == "ELEMENTS":
# elements = self.__result_father__._loadCase_father._modelFather.get_elements()
# connectors = self.__result_father__._loadCase_father._modelFather.get_connectors()
# if noparts:
# # La lista de connectores puede contener N2PConnector o lista de N2PConector. Esto es porque
# # los MPC puden tener ids iguales en Nastran. Por eso en la comprension de la lista de conectores
# # itero sobre la lista de conetores con igual id dentro de la lista de conectores general y si no
# # resulta ser una lista lo transformo en lista e itero.
# ids = [element.ID for element in elements] + \
# [c.ID for con in connectors for c in (con if isinstance(con, list) else [con])]
# indexname = ["Element"]
# else:
# ids = [(element.PartID, element.ID) for element in elements] +\
# [(c.PartID, c.ID) for con in connectors for c in (con if isinstance(con, list) else [con])]
# indexname = ["Part", "Element"]
# del elements, connectors
# elif resultlist[1] == "ELEMENT NODAL":
# ids = list(self.__result_father__._loadCase_father._modelFather._elementnodal().values())
# indexname = ["Part", "Grid", "Element"]
# # Se revisa que la lista de malla y la lista de resultados sean del mismo tamaño
# if not len(ids) == len(resultlist[0]):
# N2PLog.Warning.W202()
# length = min(len(ids), len(resultlist[0]))
# ids = ids[:length]
# resultlist = (resultlist[0][:length], resultlist[1])
# data = {self.Name: resultlist[0]}
# if isinstance(ids[0], tuple):
# index = MultiIndex.from_tuples(ids, names=indexname)
# else:
# index = ids
# df = DataFrame(data=data, index=index, columns=[self.Name])
# if not isinstance(ids[0], tuple):
# df = df.rename_axis(indexname, axis='index')
# return df
# # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Método que devuelve un diccionario con la tupla (LC, Incr) como clave y una lista de resultados como valor -------
def _get_result_by_LCs_Incr(self, list_lc_incr: list[tuple["N2PLoadCase", "N2PIncrement"],...],
sections=None, aveSections=-1, cornerData=False, aveNodes=-1, variation=100,
realPolar=0, coordsys: int = -1000,
v1: tuple = (1,0,0), v2: tuple = (0,1,0)) -> dict[tuple: list[float,...]]:
formula = self._create_formula(list_lc_incr)
if not formula:
return None
resultsParameters = self._create_n2paraminputresult(sections, aveSections, cornerData, aveNodes, variation,
realPolar, coordsys, v1, v2)
cs_dict = self._result_father._loadCase_father._modelFather._N2PModelContent__vzmodel.CalculateArrayLastResult(
formula, resultsParameters, 0)
py_dict = {(int(key.split(":")[0].replace("DoF_LCD", "-").replace("DoF_LC", "")),
int(key.split(":")[1][2:])): np.array(value, np.float64)
for key, value in dict(cs_dict[0]).items()}
del cs_dict
return py_dict
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Metodo que crea la formula que necesita la funcion de NaxToModel ----------------------------------------------
def _create_formula(self, list_lc_incr: list[tuple["N2PLoadCase", "N2PIncrement"],...]) -> str:
if isinstance(list_lc_incr, tuple):
list_lc_incr = [list_lc_incr]
N2PLoadCase = type(self._result_father._loadCase_father)
N2PIncrement = type(self._result_father._loadCase_father.Increments[0])
if isinstance(list_lc_incr[0][0], N2PLoadCase) and isinstance(list_lc_incr[0][1], N2PIncrement):
return ",".join(f"<LC{lc[0].ID}:FR{lc[1].ID}>" for lc in list_lc_incr)
elif isinstance(list_lc_incr[0][0], int) and isinstance(list_lc_incr[0][1], int):
return ",".join(f"<LC{lc[0]}:FR{lc[1]}>" for lc in list_lc_incr)
return None
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Metodo que crea el N2ParamInputResult ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _create_n2paraminputresult(self, sections, aveSections, cornerData, aveNodes, variation,
realPolar, coordsys, v1, v2) -> N2ParamInputResults:
# Aqui comprobamos que si queremos hacer una transformacion y si esta es posible:
if self.IsTransformable and (coordsys != -1000 or (v1 != (1, 0, 0) or v2 != (0, 1, 0))):
# si es un sistema definido por el usuarios es -10 y se busca el GlobalID. Si es positivo es de solver.
# si es material es -1.
if coordsys > 0:
resultsParameters = N2ParamInputResults.structResults(0) # , x_array, y_array, z_array)
resultsParameters.coordSys = coordsys
elif coordsys < 0 and (v1 != (1, 0, 0) or v2 != (0, 1, 0)):
# Esto es una array de doubles. Si se quiere hacer una transformacion tanto en sistemas ya definidos en
# el solver como por el usuario hay que pasarlo como argumento de N2ParamInputResult
new_sys = _get_axis(v1, v2)
new_sys = _numpytonet(new_sys)
resultsParameters = N2ParamInputResults.structResults(0)
resultsParameters.coordSys = -10
resultsParameters.orientationcoordinatesystem = new_sys
elif coordsys == -1:
resultsParameters = N2ParamInputResults.structResults(0)
resultsParameters.coordSys = coordsys
elif coordsys == 0:
resultsParameters = N2ParamInputResults.structResults(0)
resultsParameters.coordSys = coordsys
elif coordsys == -20:
resultsParameters = N2ParamInputResults.structResults(0)
resultsParameters.coordSys = coordsys
return (-1, 'NO RESULTS')
elif not self.IsTransformable and (coordsys != -1000 or (v1 != (1, 0, 0) or v2 != (0, 1, 0))):
return (-1, 'NO RESULTS')
# Initializer if it is no transformable
resultsParameters = N2ParamInputResults.structResults(0)
# Component Selected
resultsParameters.Component = str(self.Name)
# Entity Selection (So Far 'ALL')
resultsParameters.IdsEntities = ''
# Active Increment
resultsParameters.IncrementID = str(self._result_father._loadCase_father._activeIncrement)
# Load Case Selected
resultsParameters.LoadCaseID = str(self._result_father._loadCase_father.ID)
# Parts Selected (So Far 'ALL')
resultsParameters.Part = 'all'
# Results Selected
resultsParameters.Result = str(self._result_father.Name)
resultsParameters.Sets = ''
resultsParameters.TypeElement = ''
# Sections Selected (By Default 'ALL') & Section Average
sectionParam = ''
if sections is None:
for section in self._sections:
sectionParam += str(section.Name) + '#'
if not isinstance(sections, list):
for section in sections:
if type(section) is N2PSection:
sectionParam += str(section.Name) + '#'
sectionParam += str(section) + '#'
resultsParameters.sectPoint = sectionParam
resultsParameters.aveSection = aveSections
# CornerData Selection, Average & Variation
resultsParameters.cornerData = cornerData
__aveIntraSupported__ = (0, -1, -2, -3, -6)
if (aveNodes not in __aveIntraSupported__):
return (-1)
resultsParameters.aveIntra = aveNodes
variation = variation
if variation > 100:
variation = 100
elif variation < 0:
variation = 0
resultsParameters.variation = variation
# Real/Imaginary or Magnitude/Phase
__complexSupported__ = (0, 1, 2)
if (realPolar not in __complexSupported__):
return (-1)
resultsParameters.real_cartesian_polar = realPolar
return resultsParameters
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Special Method for Object Representation -------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __repr__(self):
loadcasestr = f"N2PComponent(\'{self.Name}\')"
return loadcasestr
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _get_axis(v1: Union[tuple, np.ndarray], v2: Union[tuple, np.ndarray]) -> np.ndarray:
"""Function that returns the components of the three vectors of a rectangular coordinate system
v1: tuple|ndarray
v2: tuple|ndarray
v1 = np.array(v1)
v1 = v1/np.linalg.norm(v1)
v2 = np.array(v2)
v2 = v2/np.linalg.norm(v2)
z = np.cross(v1, v2)
y = np.cross(z, v1)
return np.vstack((v1, y, z))