Source code for NaxToPy.Core.Classes.ABQKeywords.N2PKeywordSHELLSECTION
from __future__ import annotations # For compatibility with Python 3.9 or higher
from NaxToPy.Core.Classes.ABQKeywords.N2PKeyword import N2PKeyword
from NaxToPy.Core.Classes.ABQKeywords.N2PKeywordELSET import N2PKeywordELSET
from NaxToPy.Core.Classes.ABQEntities.N2PEntityShell import N2PEntityShell
class N2PKeywordSHELLSECTION(N2PKeyword):
def __init__(self, info, dictKeywordToN2P, dictEntityToN2P):
super().__init__(info, dictKeywordToN2P, dictEntityToN2P)
def Elset(self) -> N2PKeywordELSET:
"""Set to which the property is applied"""
return self._N2PKeyword__dictKeywordToN2P[self._N2PKeyword__info.Elset]
def Material(self) -> str:
"""Material of the elements of the set. Return "COMPOSITE" for composite materials"""
return self._N2PKeyword__info.Material
def Name(self) -> str:
"""Name given to the section"""
return self._N2PKeyword__info.Name
def Thickness(self) -> float:
"""The sum of the thicknesses of the layers (COMPOSITE) or the material thickness (MATERIAL)"""
return self._N2PKeyword__info.Thickness
def IntegrationPoints(self) -> int:
"""Number of integration points"""
return self._N2PKeyword__info.IntegrationPoints
def IsComposite(self) -> bool:
"""True if the shell is composed of several layers"""
return self._N2PKeyword__info.IsComposite
def IsHomogeneous(self) -> bool:
"""True if the shell is composed of a single material"""
return self._N2PKeyword__info.IsHomogeneous
def LayerList(self) -> list:
"""List of shells that make up a composite shell"""
output = []
for shell in self._N2PKeyword__info.LayerList:
if shell in self._N2PKeyword__dictEntityToN2P:
aux = N2PEntityShell(shell, self._N2PKeyword__dictKeywordToN2P, self._N2PKeyword__dictEntityToN2P)
self._N2PKeyword__dictEntityToN2P[shell] = aux
return output