Source code for NaxToPy.Core.Classes.ABQKeywords.N2PKeywordORIENTATION
from __future__ import annotations # For compatibility with Python 3.9 or higher
from NaxToPy.Core.Classes.ABQKeywords.N2PKeyword import N2PKeyword
class N2PKeywordORIENTATION(N2PKeyword):
def __init__(self, info, dictKeywordToN2P, dictEntityToN2P):
super().__init__(info, dictKeywordToN2P, dictEntityToN2P)
def Name(self) -> str:
"""Orientation name"""
return self._N2PKeyword__info.Name
def Definition(self) -> str:
"""Type of orientation. It has three possible definitions:
- COORDINATES: defines system with the coordinates of 3 points a, b and c (optional origin)
- NODES: defines the system with the global ids of nodes a, b and c (optional origin)
- OFFSET TO NODES: defines the system with the local ids of nodes a, b and c (optional origin) relative to the
element where orientation is being used"""
return self._N2PKeyword__info.Definition
def System(self) -> str:
"""Type of system that it uses. There are four options:
- RECTANGULAR: defines a Cartesian system with 3 points a, b and c. c is the origin of the system; a belongs to
the x-axis and b lies on the XY plane.
- CYLINDRICAL: defines a cylindrical system given two points a and b on polar axis (z)
- SPHERICAL: defines a spherical system given a (center) and b on polar axis (z)
- Z RECTANGULAR: defines a Cartesian system with 3 points a, b and c. c is the origin of the system; a belongs
to the z-axis and b lies on the XZ plane.
- USER: defines the local coordinate system in user subroutine
return self._N2PKeyword__info.System
def PointCoordinates(self) -> dict[str, list]:
"""Dictionary with the data that defines the orientation using coordinates:
- point a
- point b
- point c"""
return {key: tuple(map(float, value)) for key, value in dict(self._N2PKeyword__info.PointCoordinates).items()}