Source code for NaxToPy.Core.Classes.ABQKeywords.N2PKeywordKINEMATIC
from __future__ import annotations # For compatibility with Python 3.9 or higher
from NaxToPy.Core.Classes.ABQKeywords.N2PKeyword import N2PKeyword
class N2PKeywordKINEMATIC(N2PKeyword):
def __init__(self, info, dictKeywordToN2P, dictEntityToN2P):
super().__init__(info, dictKeywordToN2P, dictEntityToN2P)
def FreedomDegrees(self) -> list[str, ]:
"""Degrees of freedom of the constraint.
Format: 123456 for degrees 1-6 constrained; 134 for degrees 1, 3 and 4..."""
return list(self._N2PKeyword__info.FreedomDegrees)