Source code for NaxToPy.Core.Classes.ABQKeywords.N2PKeywordELEMENT

from __future__ import annotations  # For compatibility with Python 3.9 or higher

from NaxToPy.Core.Classes.ABQKeywords.N2PKeyword import N2PKeyword
from NaxToPy.Core.Classes.ABQKeywords.N2PKeywordELSET import N2PKeywordELSET

[docs] class N2PKeywordELEMENT(N2PKeyword): def __init__(self, info, dictKeywordToN2P, dictEntityToN2P): super().__init__(info, dictKeywordToN2P, dictEntityToN2P) # When an ELEMENT keyword is used, an ELSET with all that elements is generated if a Name is used @property def ElementList(self) -> list: """List of elements within the keyword""" return [self._N2PKeyword__dictEntityToN2P[element] for element in self._N2PKeyword__info.ElementList] @property def ElementType(self) -> str: """String with the type of the element""" return self._N2PKeyword__info.ElementType