
class NaxToPy.Core.Classes.ABQKeywords.N2PKeyword.N2PKeyword(info, dictKeywordToN2P, dictEntityToN2P)[source]#

Bases: N2PInputData

property KeywordCode: str#

the first field read from a keyword


Keyword code

property KeywordType: str#
property Parameters: dict#
property Part: str#

Part of the keyword

property SubKeywords: list[N2PKeyword]#

Keywords that depend on this one

property SuperKeyword: N2PKeyword#

Keyword that this one depends on


class NaxToPy.Core.Classes.ABQKeywords.N2PKeywordBEAMSECTION.N2PKeywordBEAMSECTION(info, dictKeywordToN2P, dictEntityToN2P)[source]#

Bases: N2PKeyword

property Elset: N2PKeywordELSET#

Set to which the property is applied

property Material: str#

Material of the elements of the set

property Name: str#

Name given to the section

property Section: N2PEntity#



class NaxToPy.Core.Classes.ABQKeywords.N2PKeywordCOUPLING.N2PKeywordCOUPLING(info, dictKeywordToN2P, dictEntityToN2P)[source]#

Bases: N2PKeyword

property ConstrainedNodes: list[N2PEntityNode]#

All the nodes defined in the coupling

property ConstrainedSpareNodes: list[N2PEntityNode]#

Nodes defined in the coupling outside the surface

property FreedomDegrees: list[str]#

List with the degrees of freedom

property Name: str#

Name of the Coupling

property RefNode: N2PEntityNode#

Reference node of the coupling

property Surface: N2PKeywordSURFACE#

Surface defining the constrained nodes


class NaxToPy.Core.Classes.ABQKeywords.N2PKeywordDENSITY.N2PKeywordDENSITY(info, dictKeywordToN2P, dictEntityToN2P)[source]#

Bases: N2PKeyword

property Density: float#

Mass density [ML^-3]

property FieldVariables: list[float]#

Field variables (optional)

property Temperature: float#


class NaxToPy.Core.Classes.ABQKeywords.N2PKeywordDISTRIBUTING.N2PKeywordDISTRIBUTING(info, dictKeywordToN2P, dictEntityToN2P)[source]#

Bases: N2PKeyword

property FreedomDegrees: list#

Degrees of freedom of the constraint.

Format: 123456 for degrees 1-6 constrained; 134 for degrees 1, 3 and 4…

property WeightingMethod: str#

Coupling method used to couple the displacement and rotation of the reference node to the average motion of the surface nodes within the influence radius.

Default: UNIFORM (1.0)


class NaxToPy.Core.Classes.ABQKeywords.N2PKeywordDISTRIBUTINGCOUPLING.N2PKeywordDISTRIBUTINGCOUPLING(info, dictKeywordToN2P, dictEntityToN2P)[source]#

Bases: N2PKeyword

property WeightingMethod: str#

Coupling method used to couple the displacement and rotation of the reference node to the average motion of the surface nodes within the influence radius.

Default: UNIFORM (1.0)


class NaxToPy.Core.Classes.ABQKeywords.N2PKeywordELASTIC.N2PKeywordELASTIC(info, dictKeywordToN2P, dictEntityToN2P)[source]#

Bases: N2PKeyword

property ElasticComponents: dict[str, float]#

Components of the tensor

property ElasticType: str#

Material type for elasticity (isotropic, orthotropic…)


class NaxToPy.Core.Classes.ABQKeywords.N2PKeywordELEMENT.N2PKeywordELEMENT(info, dictKeywordToN2P, dictEntityToN2P)[source]#

Bases: N2PKeyword

property ElementList: list#

List of elements within the keyword

property ElementType: str#

String with the type of the element


class NaxToPy.Core.Classes.ABQKeywords.N2PKeywordELSET.N2PKeywordELSET(info, dictKeywordToN2P, dictEntityToN2P)[source]#

Bases: N2PKeyword

property ElementList: list[N2PEntityElement]#

List of elements of the set

property Generate: bool#

Parameter generate (defines the data structure)

property Instance: str#

If the set is defined under an instance, it shows the name of the instance. It is None otherwise.

property Name: str#

Set Name


class NaxToPy.Core.Classes.ABQKeywords.N2PKeywordENDINSTANCE.N2PKeywordENDINSTANCE(info, dictKeywordToN2P, dictEntityToN2P)[source]#

Bases: N2PKeyword

Keyword tha defines the end of an instance


class NaxToPy.Core.Classes.ABQKeywords.N2PKeywordENDPART.N2PKeywordENDPART(info, dictKeywordToN2P, dictEntityToN2P)[source]#

Bases: N2PKeyword

Keyword tha defines the end of a part


class NaxToPy.Core.Classes.ABQKeywords.N2PKeywordINSTANCE.N2PKeywordINSTANCE(info, dictKeywordToN2P, dictEntityToN2P)[source]#

Bases: N2PKeyword

property Name: str#

Name of the instance

property RotationComponents: ndarray#

x1, y1, z1 components of the first node that defines the rotation axis; x2, y2, z2 components of the second node that defines the rotation axis; Angle of rotation

property TranslationComponents: ndarray#

x, y, z values of the translation of the instance


class NaxToPy.Core.Classes.ABQKeywords.N2PKeywordKINEMATIC.N2PKeywordKINEMATIC(info, dictKeywordToN2P, dictEntityToN2P)[source]#

Bases: N2PKeyword

property FreedomDegrees: list[str]#

Degrees of freedom of the constraint.

Format: 123456 for degrees 1-6 constrained; 134 for degrees 1, 3 and 4…


class NaxToPy.Core.Classes.ABQKeywords.N2PKeywordKINEMATICCOUPLING.N2PKeywordKINEMATICCOUPLING(info, dictKeywordToN2P, dictEntityToN2P)[source]#

Bases: N2PKeyword


class NaxToPy.Core.Classes.ABQKeywords.N2PKeywordMATERIAL.N2PKeywordMATERIAL(info, dictKeywordToN2P, dictEntityToN2P)[source]#

Bases: N2PKeyword

property Name: str#

Material Name


class NaxToPy.Core.Classes.ABQKeywords.N2PKeywordNODE.N2PKeywordNODE(info, dictKeywordToN2P, dictEntityToN2P)[source]#

Bases: N2PKeyword

property NodeList: list[N2PEntityNode]#

List of nodes within the keyword


class NaxToPy.Core.Classes.ABQKeywords.N2PKeywordNSET.N2PKeywordNSET(info, dictKeywordToN2P, dictEntityToN2P)[source]#

Bases: N2PKeyword

property Generate: bool#

Parameter generate (defines the data structure)

If this parameter is included, each data line should give a first element, ; a last element, ; and the increment in element numbers between these elements, i. Then, all elements going from to in steps of i will be added to the set. i must be an integer such that is a whole number (not a fraction).

property Instance: str#

If the set is defined under an instance, it shows in this parameter.

Set this parameter equal to the name of the part instance that contains the elements listed on the data line. This parameter can be used only at the assembly level and is intended to be used as a shortcut to the naming convention. It can be used only in a model defined in terms of an assembly of part instances.

property Name: str#

Set name. In Abaqus Keywords Reference, the parameter is called ELSET and it is required

property NodeList: list[N2PEntityNode]#

List of nodes of the set

If the set has an Instance defined, the nodes of that instance. If the set has no Instance, the nodes of the instances of the Keyword.Part


class NaxToPy.Core.Classes.ABQKeywords.N2PKeywordORIENTATION.N2PKeywordORIENTATION(info, dictKeywordToN2P, dictEntityToN2P)[source]#

Bases: N2PKeyword

property Definition: str#

Type of orientation. It has three possible definitions:

  • COORDINATES: defines system with the coordinates of 3 points a, b and c (optional origin)

  • NODES: defines the system with the global ids of nodes a, b and c (optional origin)

  • OFFSET TO NODES: defines the system with the local ids of nodes a, b and c (optional origin) relative to the element where orientation is being used

property Name: str#

Orientation name

property PointCoordinates: dict[str, list]#

Dictionary with the data that defines the orientation using coordinates: - point a - point b - point c

property System: str#

Type of system that it uses. There are four options:

  • RECTANGULAR: defines a Cartesian system with 3 points a, b and c. c is the origin of the system; a belongs to the x-axis and b lies on the XY plane.

  • CYLINDRICAL: defines a cylindrical system given two points a and b on polar axis (z)

  • SPHERICAL: defines a spherical system given a (center) and b on polar axis (z)

  • Z RECTANGULAR: defines a Cartesian system with 3 points a, b and c. c is the origin of the system; a belongs to the z-axis and b lies on the XZ plane.

  • USER: defines the local coordinate system in user subroutine


class NaxToPy.Core.Classes.ABQKeywords.N2PKeywordPART.N2PKeywordPART(info, dictKeywordToN2P, dictEntityToN2P)[source]#

Bases: N2PKeyword

property Name: str#

Part name


class NaxToPy.Core.Classes.ABQKeywords.N2PKeywordPLASTIC.N2PKeywordPLASTIC(info, dictKeywordToN2P, dictEntityToN2P)[source]#

Bases: N2PKeyword

property PlasticComponents: list[dict]#

Properties of the material. One dictionary for each defined point

property PlasticHardening: str#

Material hardening type (isotropic, kinematic…)

property ScaleStress: str#

Factor by which the yield stress is set to be scaled.


class NaxToPy.Core.Classes.ABQKeywords.N2PKeywordSHELLSECTION.N2PKeywordSHELLSECTION(info, dictKeywordToN2P, dictEntityToN2P)[source]#

Bases: N2PKeyword

property Elset: N2PKeywordELSET#

Set to which the property is applied

property IntegrationPoints: int#

Number of integration points

property IsComposite: bool#

True if the shell is composed of several layers

property IsHomogeneous: bool#

True if the shell is composed of a single material

property LayerList: list#

List of shells that make up a composite shell

property Material: str#

Material of the elements of the set. Return “COMPOSITE” for composite materials

property Name: str#

Name given to the section

property Thickness: float#

The sum of the thicknesses of the layers (COMPOSITE) or the material thickness (MATERIAL)


class NaxToPy.Core.Classes.ABQKeywords.N2PKeywordSOLIDSECTION.N2PKeywordSOLIDSECTION(info, dictKeywordToN2P, dictEntityToN2P)[source]#

Bases: N2PKeyword

property Elset: N2PKeywordELSET#

Set to which the property is applied

property Material: str#

Material of the elements of the set

property Name: str#

Name given to the section

property Orientation: N2PKeywordORIENTATION#

Section orientation


class NaxToPy.Core.Classes.ABQKeywords.N2PKeywordSURFACE.N2PKeywordSURFACE(info, dictKeywordToN2P, dictEntityToN2P)[source]#

Bases: N2PKeyword

property EntityList: list[N2PEntity]#

List of entities (based on Type)

property Name: object#

Surface Name

property Type: object#

ABQEntities type (elements, nodes, segments…)