NaxToPy Documentation#
NaxToPy is the NaxTo library designed for Python, enabling users to read and manipulate FEM analysis results files from the most common tools: Nastran (op2, xdb, h5), Abaqus (odb), Optistruct (h3d, op2), and Ansys (rst). It stores these results in a user-friendly Python structure. Additionally, it can read input files from Nastran (bdf/dat) and Optistruct (fem) and modify their contents.
It can easily be combined with other Python packages, such as Matplotlib or Pandas, providing full access to Python’s capabilities for interpreting and processing results without requiring additional software beyond NaxTo.
NaxToPy is a powerful tool for FEM analysis post-processing!
API Reference
Complete documentation for classes, methods, functions and properties.
User Guide
Overview and detailed explanation of the package’s main functionalities.